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Oct 7, 2019

Scott talks with Dave Willis about his new book, Raising Boys Who Respect Girls


  1. Dave starts out by saying, “The whole point in life is healthy relationships.” How does the way you spend your time and efforts support or conflict with this statement? What do you spend your time and effort pursuing the most?
  2. If we are not alarmed by our cultural climate then we are not paying attention. What are some dynamics of the cultural climate that frustrate you or that you don’t know how to navigate?
  3. When you hear the phrase “toxic masculinity” what are some of the first words you think of? How does “toxic masculinity” tend to taint or obscure “true masculinity”?
  4. How can men take up their responsibility to use our strength to protect women, not to take advantage of them?
  5. Boys are falling behind socially, spiritually, and academically because even if fathers are in the house, they’re not emotionally present. How can you work toward changing this as far as it is up to you?
  6. As men, we have to go first. We cannot ask our boys to do something we ourselves are not doing. Where do you need to lead out for the younger men or boys in your life to see true masculinity?
  7. “Everybody wins when men follow Jesus.” In what areas do you need more of Jesus? In what areas have you been desensitized to culture and allowed it to shape you?
  8. As parents, we do not have to be fair in our parenting; we are called to be wise. What are some examples of erring on the side of wisdom instead of fairness? Why is this important?
  9. Your family can do with less of everything in this world except your time and affection. What are some areas of your life and lifestyle that you might let go so you can spend the most time with your family?