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Apr 20, 2020

Hatfield & Nickell go in-depth on the 'Guard Your Marriage' session with Jason & Shelley Martinkus from our Guarded Men's Conference.

Link to a video from this session:

Guard Your Marriage with Jason & Shelley Martinkus

1. When is the last time you had a real, honest talk about sex with another brother in Christ? How did it go? What did you not say that you should have been honest about?
2. Read Proverbs 7. What are some of the words, phrases, or images from this text that stood out to you? What resonated with you?
3. After watching Jason and Shelley Martinkus’ session at Men's Conference, what helped you find clarity on your battle against temptation and for sexual purity?
4. What direction were you given while you were growing up surrounding sexual temptation and how to find freedom over it? What was your first exposure to porn and how old were you?
5. If your wife asked you, “Is there anything I need to know?” would the question haunt you or give you hope? Why? What would you want to tell her in a moment of transparency?
6. Jason admitted that he allowed fear to bully him and keep him from being honest. How has fear bullied you in the past? How does it sometimes hold you captive now?
7. Having regular questions asked of you regarding the purity of your eyes, mind, and heart is essential. What sort of plan do you have in place now? If you don't have one, who is someone you can trust to ask you those hard questions?